Known Issue: Make sure you do not have a MATLAB, Tecplot, or FieldView module loaded when you invoke vncserver. ssh/config file on your local system, you do not need to enable SSH X11 forwarding, but you must include the line ForwardAgent yes. VNC is much easier to use if you set up SSH Passthrough on your local system. Note: Although there are other ways to establish a VNC session, this method is convenient as it does not require you to manually find an available display number to use. In the following steps, pfe24 is used as an example you can substitute another PFE.
If you have a Windows desktop system, you can download free VNC clients from the following websites:Īsk your local system administrator for help to install the VNC client software.
The client might already be installed in many Linux distributions and on recent versions of Mac OS X if it is not installed on your system, you will need to download the client. However, you do need a VNC client viewer. You do not need to run an X11 server on the remote system (your local system) because in the VNC environment, all of the X11 work is done on the Pleiades front-end systems (pfe).
All of the necessary VNC software is installed in /usr/bin. There is no need for any additional communication updates or authorizations.

If you are already using SSH, then VNC traffic will travel to/from NAS systems over current connections and through current firewalls. Using an SSH tunnel provides security because SSH encrypts tunnel traffic in both directions. In the NAS environment VNC traffic is carried by a SSH tunnel, similar to the way SSH is used to tunnel X11 traffic. The host server process transmits images and image updates using a low-overhead protocol to the remote system's viewer client. The principle of operation involves a host server process (for example, Xvnc) that communicates with X11 applications running on Pleiades.

VNC can make remote X11 applications useful instead of being tedious and non-productive. In practical terms, once a VNC session is underway, latencies are on the order of seconds rather than minutes. Virtual Network Computing (VNC) software provides a way to reduce X11 overhead on high-latency networks such as the Internet.